Add contact details and Google Maps

Contact details are important for online stores to increase buyer confidence and enable customers to reach out to you. Get creative with your contact page layouts! 

In brief, you will have to:

  1. Create a new Page
  2. Configure the Page Settings
  3. Add the Page Content
  4. Add a Contact Form (optional) 

This article will guide you through the steps to add contact details and form to your store. 


1. Create a new Page

To make a new page, go to Content Management in your administration, and select "Pages". 
Click "New page" in the top right-hand corner: 


2. Configure the Page Settings

Once you have created a page, you will be able to start setting it up. 

2.1 Add page information

Name the page with the title you would like to see in your administration and on the storefront page itself. 
Also, update the page's privacy as you see fit:

  • Everyone: Visible to anyone who visits the page
  • Registered users only: Only visible to people who are logged in with their account

"Activate" the page when you are ready for it to be published! 

2.2 Configure the menu

You can add your page to the menu under the same or a different title; indicate that in this section.
Then, you can set the navigation position in the menu. 

2.3 Add an external link

If you would like to redirect your viewer to an external website, go ahead and add the URL in this field:

2.4 Select a template

The "template" refers to how the page should look.

Layout Template
Select from a variety of layouts which your page can have, like how many columns should be added, and whether or where the sidebar should be. 

Content Template
Contact pages can be displayed  with  one or two columns. In a single-field contact form, all the information will be displayed in a single column. In a double-field contact form, you can show two separate pieces of information side-by-side. For example, you could use one column for your company’s information, and the second for a team picture or Google Maps: 

Use just one column - or use two to present information side-by-side:

PRO TIP: Add a contact form for added convenience too!

2.5 Add SEO

SEO is important for search engines. 

By default, the URL and page title will be the same as the Page Title you set earlier (in step 2.1). 
Keywords can be added by writing words and short phrases, separated by commas. 
The page description should be added, to be seen as a preview when potential customers are using a search engine. 

When you're done, hit SAVE! 


3. Add Page Content 

Now that the settings have been configured, you can begin to add the content your customers will see.

3.1 Open the new contact page

View the new page in your shop, either by clicking "Show in shop" in the top right-hand corner:

Or you can navigate there by clicking "Shop" in the top left menu, then clicking the page title in the footer at the bottom of the page:

3.2 Click on the settings icon to edit content

When you are logged into your account, you will see setting icons (cogwheels) on your storefront. 
NB! These are not visible to your customers. Click on the icon to bring up more settings: 

3.3 Add Content 

After clicking the settings icon, a popup will appear for you to work with: 

Add standard text

Go ahead and write or paste text into the text field :)

Add Google Maps

Adding Google Maps is a great way to get customer's to visit your physical store or market. 

1. Go to the Google Maps page and search for your store’s or company’s address: 

2. Click on the menu icon to bring up more options: 

3. Select "Share or Embed map" from the menu:

4. Select "Embed map" (in the following tab), then use the drop-down menu to select a suitable size for your map: 

5. Copy the "iFrame" URL from Google Maps, to be pasted in your ShopRoller account. 

6. In your ShopRoller account, in the "Edit Page" window, select the HTML icon: 

7. Use this window for entering or pasting the code that you copied from Google Maps:

8. Click UPDATE, then in the Edit Page window, click SAVE. 


3. Add a Contact Form 

Configure and add an email address for all the feedback from clients (from the contact form). 

3.1 Go to your Feedback Settings

From your administration view, select SETTINGS, then click SETTINGS again. 
In the Settings Menu, select FEEDBACK: 

In the Feedback settings page, set up the contact form details:

  • Add the email address the messages from customers should be delivered to
  • Add an email subject for automatic use 

Add or hide contact form fields, and set whether they are "required" for entry - or not: 

Click SAVE!


Congratulations! You now have a contact page with contact form. 

You can find more information on the requirements for online retailers on the Estonian E-commerce Association’s website available at

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