Product Units of Measure

1. Choose a unit for the product

  • In the admin open the product to which you want to add a unit. 
  • Open Catalog in the admin, select Products and choose the product you need to add a unit for.
  • You can use the search filter on the right, to help you find the right product

2. Adding unit on the product card

  • On the product card choose a unit from the Unit drop-down menu on the right. 
  • If there is no suitable unit in the selection, see instructions in the following step.

No suitable option?

1. Create a new unit

  •  To create a new unit, go open Settings in the admin, then select Units and click +New unit on the top right

2. Name the new unit

  • Name the new unit and Save! 
  • Now the new unit will be an available option in the dropdown menu (on the product card)

How to add volume unit to the product to calculate the unit price?

1. Add volume unit on the product card

  • Open the product card, to add the volume unit. 
  • Select the volume unit and enter the volume amount to the corresponding field (according to the volume unit used)

EXAMPLE: If the volume unit is L and the volume of the product is 300 ml, you should enter 0.3 in the corresponding field. That is, the volume of the product in liters! 

2. Create new volume unit 

  • If there is no suitable volume units,  you can create a new volume unit for your products
  • To do this, open Settings in the admin, select Volume units, and click +Add new at the top right corner

3. Name the new Volume unit

  • Name the new Volume unit and Save
  • Now the new Volume unit will be an available option in the dropdown menu selection (on the product card)

Check the settings

Check that the displaying for Units and Volume unit calculation is enabled. In the admin menu open Settings, then select Settings again and then open Product Page. 

Make sure that Display unit and Display liter-/kilo price are both set to Yes. 

Frequently asked Questions

1. How to calculate the added volume unit for a piece?

  • Example of piece product: if it is a case of selling a box of pencils (12 pcs. in a box), then the piece must be written in the box 1/12 = 0.083

2. If I use Erply, how do I add volume units?

  • In this case, the volume units could be added via Erply. In Erply, you can do it like this: 
  1. Select Warehouse > Parameter groups from the Erply menu.
  2. Right-click on the "General parameters" group and select " Change ".
  3. Click on the parameter "Volume in e-shop" below in the list of parameters.
  4. At the end of the parameter page is the section "Options". You can make new units there

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